Nick Hendriks

Hi, I'm Nick! I'm a mid-30s guy who loves games of all kinds. I play tabletop far less than I'd like to, and I think about it far more than I ought to.
This is a home for my rpg thoughts. Not all of them are good or original, but they're all I've got.

The Party

(I've stolen this concept from my brother, who is also the only person in this list at the time I wrote this).
Christian Hendriks - My brother, mentioned in Games I Hope To Run Someday, All Stones Left Unturned: Ruminating on the death of my West Marches campaign, and Problem: How to inject more roleplaying into your West Marches Hexcrawl?.

If you'd like to follow this blog through rss you can do so at

I mostly hang out over at, so consider signing up! Picture of three people playing dice, woman on the right showing her dice, guy on the left inspecting them (and maybe her); tagline: - a Mastodon server for RPG folks to hang out and talk